by JP Sloane, Ph.D. | Nov 21, 2014 | abomination of desecration |
America was founded on the premise that we are the second Israel because—like Israel—we were founded to honor the God of the Bible and His Laws. In 1607 the very first act of the first English speaking settlers was to plant a huge Cross on Cape Henry at Virginia Beach...
by JP Sloane, Ph.D. | Nov 18, 2014 | Sharia |
Montgomery County, Maryland School District Bows to Sharia Sensitivities Contrary to our country’s Constitution, America is becoming more and more compliant with Sharia Law. Just like Europe—we are going down the same suicidal path Since when in America have we become...
by JP Sloane, Ph.D. | Nov 9, 2014 | Islam, Obama |
In the western world we primarily think of synagogues and churches as places of worship, but sometimes political opinions based on Scripture will be given to the congregations. Therefore, I think it is safe to say that a large percentage of Americans outside of our...